Tuesday 28 January 2014

Still-Life Final Image

This is the Final Image from my Still Life college project. For this project I experimented with shooting bottles of alcohol and aftershave but I eventually settled on shooting some of my Mam's cakes in my college's studio. I think this is a really good picture BUT I really want to go back and experiment with pints of lager or glasses of champagne and wine BUT I really don't think I have the patience for Still-Life but this shoot was a lot of fun. 

Sunday 19 January 2014

Photo Diaries

These are the final images from my latest college project; Photo Diaries. For this unit I had to create a series of 12 images that told a story about a person, location or event so I decided to document a day in the life of my Grandad with my cousin, Matthew. I am really proud of this series BUT I admit I think the photos are better individually rather than as a series of images but never the less I'm very proud of the series. Let me know what you think.


Thursday 16 January 2014

Low-Key Photography

I know I have already got these photos on my portfolio page but I haven't written anything about them yet and they are some of my favorite photos in my favorite style. Low-Key Portraiture involves the subject in the spotlight against a black background like this. This is my Dad, who I shot against a black background using a Continuous Arri Light. This was for my Low-Key Project which was capturing emotion on your subject's which I think I did quite well, however the emotions my Dad is showing are quite passive but I think that suits him and the tone of the photos. I use Low-Key to focus specifically on the subject's key features and is especially useful when combined with back-lightening or silhouette. Anyway these are some of the final images for my first year of college so I thought I would quickly right about them as I found them while organizing my portfolio.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Plans for 2014

Over the past year, I have tried to become far more serious and professional; creating this blog, my Facebook page and working on Purple Port, Model Mayhem, DeviantArt and Flickr accounts, to become more commercial and professional. I have sought out professional models to work with, photographers to work with and tried to become more motivated and passion. So now I am thinking of what I want to do next year.

I want to develop my Costumes and Comics series and make so really headway with that project; I am aiming to get at least 10 of the best pictures I can get done. I am hoping to do a Superman (Action Comics), Batman (Detective Comics), Wonder Woman, The Flash, Supergirl, Catwoman, Poison Ivy and Robin (Batman and Robin) and since I have already done Batgirl, Harley Quinn and Raven (Teen Titans) I think this might be a good target. I might also be able to shoot The Riddler, The Penguin and Bane with a production company, and could expand the series to Marvel and shoot Iron Man, War Machine and Ghost Rider with the same company. I also want to expand this and do some candid shoots with these cosplayers; doing something mundane but in costume; Superman reading a paper, Batman waiting for the bus or Wonder Woman getting a coffee. I am also interested to do some more shoots with Squishy Pandas (Raven and Windrunner), especially as they aim to expand thier cosplay wardrobe. I will also hopefully be working with Little Rascal's Costumes; they have a collection including Rose (Titanic), Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Zatanna, Black Canary and Little Red Riding Hood; some of which Fran might be modelling. They also made Macara's Little Mermaid costume.

I also really want to some shoots inspired by Greek Mythology; either setting up location shoots inspired by artwork or modern day versions of the myths OR studio shoots involving make-up and PhotoShop to create images inspired by the myths. I have any ideas for this ranging from using snakes for a Medusa shoot, editing a sword over Damocles' head and creating the two-faced Janus in the studio and shooting Aphrodite or Andromeda in front of a stormy sea, have Narcissus stare at his reflection in a local park or have Hercules stride across the countryside. Currently I am research artwork, statues and descriptions and recruiting models, MUA's and hairstylists. Personally I am looking forward to recreating Narcissus and Echo.

I also really want to kick start my Album Covers project, which i will be shooting with my mate Adam. Our plan is to recreate some Album, Film, Book and Game Covers in our studio and on location, using models similar to the models in the original artwork but putting our own spin on the images.

I am also looking forward to experimenting with different lighting techniques and shooting ideas; showing emotion and stories. I am also looking forward to experimenting with other genres of photography such as Lingerie and Still Life shoots, I am also looking forward to shooting some promo images for local singers and bands. And fingers-crossed I might even get hired for a few weddings this year.

I am also aiming to by a wide-angle (18-24mm) lens and a speed light by the New Year. So fingers crossed and wish me look, and thank you for all your support.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Batgirl Comics Location Shoot

I've just finished uploading my latest shoot with Fiona/Batgirl; this was a small shoot that was part of my Costumes and Comics series which I am really looking forward to expanding and perfecting this year. I also have some more great ideas that I want to shoot with Fiona so keep your eyes fixed on her page over the next few weeks.