Saturday 31 May 2014

Greek Myths Project (Updated- Aphrodite)

As you may know I have been working on a project to recreate the myths of Ancient Greece as photographs. This is one of the final images I am working on based on the myth and paintings on "The Birth of Aphrodite"; the Goddess of Love and Beauty who was born from the sea. What do you think? Constructive feedback is always appreciated.

Monday 19 May 2014

My Final Major Project; Greek Mythology (My Progress So Far)

I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in a while but everything has been very hectic recently. I have almost finished the Final Major Project of my Extended Diploma in Photography. For my project, I choose to create some images inspired by Greek Mythology and I have just started editing some of the Final Images from my first Final Shoot.

These are the first drafts of my final images showing Narcissus and Echo (the man who fell in love with his own reflection and the woman cursed to repeat the words other say, who loves him) and Pandora (the first woman; carved by the gods from clay as a curse to hinder mankind after they received the gift of fire from Prometheus. She is most well known for Pandora's Box, as she opened the box containing all of the curses and plagues of the modern world). As of now, these images are only early drafts and I would really appreciate some constructive criticism.